Face Care

Take good care your face, it's the first thing you see in the morning. Rely on nature and its precious functional active ingredients to trigger your skin's natural regeneration process.
Lotions and Make-up removers

No trace of make-up

Any beauty routine without an adequate cleanse isn't as effective. In order to be restored, skin needs to be rid of any trake of make-up. It doesn't take a long time, but it does take the right products

Moisturizing and antioxidant Tonic Lotion 200 ml

For normal / delicate skin

4 in 1 Micellar solution 250 ml

For normal / delicate skin
Face Detergents

Healthy, Cleansed Skin

Taking care of your skin means first of all keeping it clean. Make up residues, smog, micro-particles, unhealthy habits might alter its balance - to preserve it, a good daily cleanse is essential.

Cleansing Mousse 150 Ml

For normal / delicate skin

Cleansing and Smoothing Soothing Cream 200 ml

For normal / delicate skin
Facial beauty kit and set

Combinations of specially designed facial care products

Combining the right skin care products is very important. It can happen that the unbalanced combination of a cleanser and a cream produces unexpected and undesirable effects. That's why we have studied balanced product combinations according to their functions and specific to each skin type.
Discover our exclusive kits.

For normal / delicate skin